ZenHenna is the fusion of Zentangle®, an easy way to draw beautiful images using structured patterns, henna-inspired art, and essential oils for a happier, healthier, less-stress kind of life. Within this site you will find snippets of my journey from humble self-taught artist to Certified Zentangle Teacher and artist. Examples of artwork, inspirational pieces and a bit of insight into my day job in digital marketing are sprinkled throughout. I welcome any feedback, critiques, opportunities and insights. Want to learn more about Zentangle, try a new henna temporary tattoo, or check out some cool products with my artwork on it? Contact me!
Get in touch!
Forbidden City: A Treasure Trove of Tangle Inspiration
I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately for my day job. I was fortunate enough to travel to Beijing to work with some really smart people on seriously smart marketing transformation coaching. I had but one free afternoon for which I hired a tour guide to get the most out of my time. I visited […]

At a time when the world is overrun with terrorism and fear, I thought bringing a little peace to bear was appropriate. For those who celebrate, I wish you a peaceful Thanksgiving. For those who don’t, I still wish you peace. I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

Zentangle + Mandalas=Zendalas
Zendalas=peace of mind. Happy Tuesday. I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

A simple one
I can’t say much about this one…but it represents love and hope. This week’s challenge was to use the tangle Hollibaugh–a perennial favorite and one I teach new students all the time. I added in a burst of Arukas for the life-force I want to summon. Update: adding one more since I was on a […]

Rising to the challenge
Last week I promised myself I’d at least participate in the I am the Diva weekly challenge. At the same time, I decided to participate in an ATC swap (Tangle Your Initials), which I’ve never done. So, to make things easier on myself (since I’ve been traveling literally every week for the last month), I […]

Coming up for air
I’ve been a bad blogger. And a bad tangler. And actually? I’ve been pretty much bad at everything I’m supposed to be good at–marketing, parenting, self-caring…you name it. Why? Because I’m trying to do it all. At once. Multitasking? It’s a myth. You absolutely canNOT do more than one thing at one time and do […]

For Dusty
For Dusty… This week I’ve been exceptionally sad. One of my kitties, Dusty, passed away at the respectable age of 15. Actually, the experience was slightly more traumatic than it had to be, but not as horrible as it could have been. We’d gone “down the shore” (that’s “to the beach” to those not in […]

The Energy of a Group
The Energy of a Group Last night I taught my second of twelve classes at the Lansdale Public Library courtesy of a grant from the local hospital’s commitment to mental wellness. I loved the first class I did, and I double-loved last night’s class. There are just no words to describe how some groups have […]

Challenges, Zentangle Classes, and New Job
My head is spinning. Almost literally. I’ve finally completed a weekly challenge (more on that below) while preparing for my second large class at the Lansdale Library tonight. This may not have been such a challenge except that I’ll have returning students getting black tile kits and new students getting standard kits, but teaching everyone […]

What a week (almost a month ago)!
You know that expression, “When you want something done, give it to a busy person”? (And does that question mark belong inside the quotes? I know that’s the rule but it doesn’t seem right since the quote isn’t a question…but nevermind the punctuation ponderings.) Yes. That. Me. Busy. But not in the “we live in […]