ZenHenna is the fusion of Zentangle®, an easy way to draw beautiful images using structured patterns, henna-inspired art, and essential oils for a happier, healthier, less-stress kind of life. Within this site you will find snippets of my journey from humble self-taught artist to Certified Zentangle Teacher and artist. Examples of artwork, inspirational pieces and a bit of insight into my day job in digital marketing are sprinkled throughout. I welcome any feedback, critiques, opportunities and insights. Want to learn more about Zentangle, try a new henna temporary tattoo, or check out some cool products with my artwork on it? Contact me!
Get in touch!
Dudley loves his portrait!
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

Southeastern PA Aspiring Tanglers: FREE Intro Course Opportunity
Greetings all! If you are located in the Philadelphia or surrounding areas and would like to take my introduction to Zentangle workshop–FREE–this is your opportunity! I will be teaching intro classes the first Wednesday of every month at the Lansdale Library. You do not have to be a resident to attend, but you do have […]

This week, *I* am the diva!
This week, *I* am the diva! This week’s weekly challenge on Laura Harms’ I am the Diva site is…MINE! I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to do a guest blog and challenge. THANK YOU to Laura for the opportunity and to all who participate! Because participating in the challenge is important to me, I […]

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
Not my circus, Not my monkeys. Is that not the best proverb ever (it’s Polish, for the record)??? If I’ve learned nothing else in my 40-something years, its that my circle of influence is not as broad as I’d like, and my circle of control is virtually non-existent. Attempting to control anything beyond the bounds […]

Hayden is still fighting and her parents are still very much needing prayers and love sent her way. The outpouring of love via #ArtForHayden on Instagram and Twitter and Zentangle Prayers for Hayden on Facebook has been humbling, to say the least. Dozens of people have posted artwork of all media (not just Zentangle) and […]

All for Hayden
Friends and readers, along with this week’s challenge entry, I am dedicating this post to Hayden Weiss. Hayden is 3 years old and is fighting for her life after being diagnosed with Reticular Blastoma. I know, #FuckCancer (and this is usually a G-rated blog, but cancer going after a child seems to warrant a bit […]

Commissions and more color
Happy Monday everyone! This week’s Diva challenge is a guest post by CZT Jen Crutchfield and encourages the use of color–something I can always use more of. Since I recently completed two commissioned pieces using color, I am sharing these as my challenge entry for this week. This one was commissioned by my very own […]

Tipple Me Independent
Again, with only office supplies at the ready, I took a quick stab at this week’s Diva challenge: Tipple Monotangle. Since I was so very late with my Umble Panda and Umbles and Ruflz last week, I thought that I might take an early approach on this one. My sincere hope is to revisit and […]

An Umble Sad Panda
I had so much more planned for this week’s post but I just don’t have it in me. As it turns out, this week’s Diva challenge was Umble, which I tackled last week for the Colours of the Rainbow challenge. So, this week I went for Zentangle-inspired art incorporating Umble and friends in this sad […]

Umbly yours, from NYC
This week I took a one-day hiatus from the whirl and twirl of corporate life for a day-trip to NYC. Since I live relatively close (north of Philadelphia) and my big sister lives there, I have been to NY a zillion times. But, I haven’t done the “tourist” thing since I was a kid. Since […]