With CZT #18 quickly approaching–just one week from today!–I thought I’d tackle a challenge or two today. I Am the Diva is always good for a new challenge, and this week’s focused on Flux, a tried and true tangle that Rick and Maria only just published in the most recent Zentangle newsletter. Bonus–there are two versions of the step-outs and design, one from Rick and one from Maria.
So, I thought I’d combine them in one quasi-monotangle and see how it worked. There are two other challenges I’d been avoiding, so I thought, why not combine this into one tangle devoted to mowing down multiple demons. So this tile is a black Zendala (Zentangle mandala) tile–I’ve done many mandala drawings but none on a small tile, and have not yet done a single white on black tangle that I’ve liked enough to share. Mission accomplished.
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

The white flux is beautiful and your tipple or pearl fill for the background is stunning…so evenly done. Look forward to seeing more.
What a beautiful black tile! You nailed it!
I love this black tile!!! Have a great time, I wish it was in Europe, I would be the first to go there!!!