I’m not gonna lie, I kinda phoned in this week’s I Am the Diva challenge (All Boxed Up, using the tangle by the same name).
I’m hard at work on a piece my father “commissioned” for my parents’ 60th anniversary. I’ve started that piece about 10 times now and have trashed it each time. I want it to be perfect, and I’m the worst critic of my own work. Sigh.
In any case, here’s my All Boxed Up entry. I don’t hate it, but I was obviously a little shaky on the straight lines. I went with a Renaissance tile since I thought it might lend some depth, but I’m not sure that helped. Mono tangles are a b!tch for me, truth be told.
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

I struggled with this one too—and I didn’t even do a monotangle.nor was I distracted by another big project. I think this tangle seems deceptively simple. There are actually a lot of straight lines to match up. I like your concept for your tile. Is it a regular 3.5 x 3.5 Zentangle tile from the Mother Ship?
Indeed it is a Mother Ship Renaissance tile. The texture on it is not quite what the regular ones are. I might give this one another shot later this week!
I like the way you did this challenge, I can see a lot of doors, I wonder what is behind them?
Nicely done! I like the mono tangle background with the “floating” tiles – great idea.
Lovely monotangle!
Thank you!
Well done! I like the overlapping effects.
Thank you, Margaret!
Love your monotangle of All boxed up. And CONGRATS on Rio – how exciting!!
Thanks so much, Debi!