The last few weeks are kind of a blur, so while I have been diffusing oils and creating Zentangle tiles for Diva challenges, I haven’t posted. A few highlights to explain why:
Thing 2 turned 16 and got his permit, so we’ve been spending a lot of time just driving (eek!)(no, actually, he’s quite natural at it so it’s not that scary)!
Thing 1, home from college for the summer, asked me to help him with an art project. An art project? What? This is the kid who professed to hate and suck at art from the earliest ages (despite my encouraging him that he has a great eye for photography). What was this project? Well, he wanted to make this for his girlfriend. We had a lot of fun – one test run, one for me that has a mom with two kids, and the pièce de resistance: This gift from my son to his lovely girlfriend. What a lucky girl 🙂

A 19-year-old boy who loves a 17-year-old girl can sometimes do things way outside his comfort zone.
As for Zentangle challenges, here are a few delayed entries:
#318 – Diptych – A diptych is two panels joined with a hinge. The panels are usually mirrored but in art, all rules are meant to be broken (respectfully). This one didn’t turn out as I’d hoped, but it was fun to make, anyway. Black tile and white pen are still my nemeses, but I’ll keep trying until I get one that I really love.
#319 – Be inspired by whatever gives you courage – it’s all about VALOR. The unicorn of essential oils, this blend just takes away the fear and makes me feel like I can take on any challenge. Oh and also, it’s great for TMJ pain (yep, I have that), and sleep, and BONUS if you have a sleeping partner who snores, put this on the bottom of their big toes and silence the beast so you can get some much-needed rest.
And this week’s challenge – #320 – This one us a “UMT” or Use My Tangle challenge using DANSK by Margaret Bremner. It kind of reminds me of fingerprints and I struggled with it a little because I kept defaulting to Sandswirl which is one of my favorites. A quick frame with Arukas and I actually kind of like this one. Hmmm…simplicity. Nice.
All caught up! Yay!
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

Such sweet looking sons you have. I love the project with the melting crayons. Your Diptych is great. Yes, those white pens only seem to work on the days they feel like it! I love Arukas and it looks even more special with a background of Dansk!
Thank you so much, Jean!
I really like the combination of Dansk with Arukas!
I agree with Ilse, the Dansk with Arukas is a great combination.