I’ve been crazy busy with a laundry list of crapola I have to do (including laundry, of course, but also work, house stuff, job stuff, kid stuff, and more) that I haven’t really made time for ME stuff. I know. Make it a priority. Schedule it. I suck at that, you guys.
BUT, recently (like almost 6 months ago, but time flies) I’ve started using essential oils. Young Living essential oils, to be specific, because after a ton of research I believe wholeheartedly in their purity and therapeutic benefits. What do I use them for? Stress relief, sleep, immune support, seasonal support, pain relief, pretty much everything. My 19-year-old now has a diffuser at college with him while my 15-year-old knows when he comes to me with ANY ailment I’m going to suggest an oily solution before a pharmaceutical one. WHY? Because they work…and because I’d like to put fewer synthetic chemicals into the bodies of humans I love. Want to learn more? Check this out – or message me or find me on Facebook or whatever. I love sharing what I’ve learned and how it’s helped me and I do-not-do-pushy-sales stuff. I’m just excited to share some amazing all natural products that I love with people who want to learn about them. End of story.
SO, today I decided to allocate a little ME time, fired up my portable little Orb diffuser with
some Stress Away and Lavender to relax me and get me out of my own very noisy head for a bit, and took on this week’s I-am-the-diva challenge, which features the tangle “Molygon” which is one of my favorites. I’ve also been wanting to play with “Noom” so I went with a renaissance round (Zendala) tile, grabbed my basic supplies – micron 01 in black and brown, and graphite and white pencils. Not half bad for a CZT who hasn’t tangled in MONTHS.
Feels good to be blogging. Gotta remember to set aside some more me time for all of this – ESPECIALLY because the pile of crapola will always be there and I’m in a much better frame of mind to face it now.
Peace, out!
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

I love your Molygon and Noom Zendala! Wonderful variations of Molygon! Totally agree with you on the benefits of essence oil. Not sure how well I’d sleep without my hot bath and lavender, sometimes + vanilla. What I really need is a “pick-me-up” oil(s) that would rejuvenate me, so I could tackle those “crapola” tasks! Lol! …seriously… any suggestions?? 🙂
Tons! I like Frankincense and Copaiba for focus and motivation, but there are tons of others, too.
HaHa, I love the word “crapola”! Quite descriptive 🙂 Your round tile is quite lovely and flowing with the Noom and Molygon.
Oooo, I love your Zendala with a Noom border and Molygon in the center. Beautiful. I’m glad you mentioned Essential OIls too. I have just started looking into them. I’m just not sure where to get them yet. Take it easy out there and don’t forget to breathe. 😉
I can help you if you’d like! Email me at c sultanik @ gmail . com 🙂
Soothing scents and a soothing tile, little moons and a soft soft colour palate. So restful and really well done.
Love your Molygon framed beautifully by Noom!
Like you I love those essential oils and use them quite a lot. Even more I love a little burner (almost like the ones you can use to put water and oil in) I put herbs on, light the candle and enjoy the smell. I can hardly buy those herbs here in The Netherlands, so I bring them from visits at my daughter in Switzerland.
Love your tile, it a bit lacy!
You have no idea how jealous I am of your Noom border; a tangle I dare not touch!!! The shading makes that ring placed perfectly over your molygon plate. Well done!
I love your wonderful composition :-9
Lovely shading around the border. Your love for molygon shines through with a lovely Zendala.
That’s beautiful. And I am glad you made some me-time. We seem too quick to sacrifice that to the never-ending pile of stuff that happens. Keep going, keep scheduling it. Ah to have a real TARDIS, to get some extra time in, but alas…
Beautiful zendala with a perfect balance of colours and tangles!
Lovely noom border and the molygon center is wonderful. I just started looking into essential oils, it’s very interesting.
Let me know if you want to chat – message me from here or on FB and I’ll help you find the right oils for you 🙂 There is a LOT of variation in quality out there and it actually makes a huge difference.
I love your zendala and the Noom border is fantastic!
Your noon fits beautifully around your Zendala with nifty molygon bouncing around inside.