This was a super busy week. Thing 2’s 14th (!) birthday, lots of work, and reintroduction of dairy, which did NOT go well. Hence, from the better-late-than-never gallery, my super late challenge post for this week.
First, I don’t know how my baby is already 14, but someday I’ll read this and wonder how he’s already 24, or 24…gasp…so I’m thankful that he’s still home and young and sweet.
From a health perspective, I attempted to reintroduce dairy on my Whole30, and let’s just say it was not a positive experience. Which is disappointing because I super love ice cream and cheese, and giving those up is not a happy prospect. BUT, I went to the doctor today for something unrelated and had to step on a scale, and guess what, you guys! I have lost 24 lbs! I still have a long way to go, but I’m pretty happy with that. No, I’m very happy with that.
As for Zentangle, I’m focused on a piece I’m doing for my dad. You see, their 60th anniversary–yes, SIXTIETH–is in a couple of weeks and my dad asked me to take something he wrote for my mother and make it into a piece of art. How romantic is that??? What he wrote is kind of like one of those name poems where the name is down the right side and what it says after starts with each letter of her first name. So cute. I’m focusing on illuminated letters and this weekend is crunch time since we need time to get it framed before the event. He is so sweet. My mom really lucked out when she landed that man.
All of this has made me woefully delinquent in this week’s I Am The Diva challenge, but I did do it last night and I’m finally posting it today. Then I’m off to review everyone else’s, which is kinda my favorite part. The challenge is “Straight Lines all the Tines…er, Times.” I do love my curvy lines, but I also love grids, so I was kind of excited for this one.
Tangles used include: Wirly bird, Arukas (variation to make all the lines straight), Chard, Ving, St. John’s Cross, Florz, Dex and Coop. I kinda like the way this one came out (for a change).
I’ve also started thinking about how I can offer Zentangle classes without a place to do it. A local coffee shop? Private in-home classes? I am determined to figure this out over the next month or so.
Happy (almost) June!
I encourage and appreciate sharing!:

How could anyone not love your tangle? I sure do. Such great movement – all with straight lines. Beautiful!
Wow, thank you so much! That’s high praise and I don’t take it lightly!